Best In Catfishing Products!!!
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DyFusion Outdoors
Catch The BIG Ones TODAY!!!
Make all the jokes you want about the foul, disgusting smells, but the late winter and early-spring bites associated with winterkilled shad after ice-out up North, and beneath cormorant roosts in the South, can be the hottest catfish patterns of the year. The concepts are inelegant but simple. In the North, channel catfish feed voraciously on winterkilled baitfish for several weeks after ice-out. In the South, schools of channels and blue catfish cluster beneath the night roosts of cormorants and feed on their baitfish-rich droppings. Anglers who know how and when to take advantage of these seasonal concentrations of catfish often enjoy fish-on-every-cast success for hours on end.
“Used at multiple lakes here in southern Georgia. Caught fish as fast as I could bait and toss out there. Had to quit using 2 poles because I couldn't reel in two at a time! Great products!.”
John T.
“I got the bait today 3/21/15 and went fishing for 30 minutes and caught a 4lb 4oz channel cat.”
Simon K.